Retired Membership 

Congratulations on your retirement!  Now it's time to update your membership status. All members who are retired and not earning an income from dentistry or working in a position that requires a dental license should contact us to let us know about your retirement. You may eligible for a much deserved membership discount.  Once approved, an adjusted renewal will be sent to you. 

Life Membership

Life Membership is automatically granted to current members who have at least 30 consecutive or 40 total years of membership in the ADA. Life status then becomes effective in the following membership year.  New Life members should expect to receive a note regarding Life status from the ADA in the late spring/early summer.

Retired Life Membership

Members who meet the requirements for life membership and are no longer earning an income from dentistry or working in a position that requires a dental license. Membership dues will be waived in full with the submission and approval of the ADA retired affidavit. Please contact us and let us know about your retirement.